Saturday, 28 November 2020

World Of Warcraft: Shadowlands' Revendreth Is One Of The Best Zones Ever

World of Warcraft is home to dozens of unique locations, but some are more iconic than others. Zones such as Stranglethorn Vale, Nagrand, and Grizzly Hills have become beloved by fans thanks to their fantastic soundtracks, engaging storylines, and the memories that were made within them. With the release of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, another zone was added that has all the makings of a fan-favorite: the gloomy world of Revendreth.

Each zone in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands represents a unique version of the afterlife, and Revendreth is no different. Revendreth is the final alternative to The Maw - a final chance for impure souls to find redemption for their actions in life. Spirits sent to Revendreth all have Sinstones, which list their evils in life and how they should be punished for them. In a way, Revendreth represents hope for these wayward spirits, but a hope that is only attainable by withstanding fear and torment. Not only is Revendreth's lore brilliant from a storytelling perspective, but it also allows for some forgotten characters to return to World of Warcraft.

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The first thing players may notice when arriving in Revendreth is the massive castles and ruins that dot the landscape. Most zones within World of Warcraft tend to focus on wide-open outdoor spaces, so the density of structures in Revendreth makes it stand out. The architecture of these buildings has a clear gothic influence, something popular in the fantasy genre and a choice that fits the ambiance of the zone perfectly. Although this dark architectural style has been used in other World of Warcraft zones, such as Gilneas and Karazhan, the pure size of Revendreth's structures makes it stand out among them all.

Along with Revendreth's strong visuals come some of the most intriguing NPCs in all of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. While some player may be weary from leveling as they enter into the last discoverable zone in the expansion, interacting with these characters can keep players engaged. Players get the opportunity to interact with and even work for Sire Denathrius, allowing them to learn more about his story in preparation for eventually fighting him. The zone also offers secondary characters with surprisingly well-developed personalities, such as The Mad Duke Theotar, whose mix of tragedy and comic relief is refreshing.

Although it contains its share of simple kill and collect jobs, Revendreth also has some of the most unique quests in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. Chains such as "The Penitent Hunt" enrich the lore of an already rich zone and allow players to really understand the horrors of the afterlife. These quests not only provide a welcome break from the standard leveling grind but serve to add depth to the zone itself.

Having Revendreth be explorable only at the end of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands was a fantastic choice. It has a very different aesthetic from the expansion's other zones, and its storyline also wraps up neatly in preparation for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands' first raid, Castle Nathria. Players will have to wait a little while before experiencing the raid, but in the meantime, they can continue to explore Revendreth for minor details that others might have missed.

Next: Blizzard Struggling To Fix WoW Server Issues After Shadowlands Launch

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