Thursday, 28 October 2021

Fizban’s Treasury Of Dragons: How Dragonborn Are Different

Dragonborn is one of the main playable races in Dungeons & Dragons, and they have just received an overhaul in Fizban's Treasury of Dragons. The dragonborn are a race of draconic humanoids that debuted in the third edition of D&D (with some questionable design choices for female dragonborn), before entering the fourth edition Player's Handbook as one of the base playable races.

The dragonborn possess a bonus to Strength and Charisma, making them the ideal choice to play a Paladin. They also possess a breath weapon and resistance to the damage type associated with their breath weapon. The Player's Handbook has ten variations of dragonborn, with five being the chromatic dragonborn (black, blue, green, red, and white), and the other five being the metallic dragonborn (brass, bronze, copper, silver, and gold.)

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It's no secret that the base version of the dragonborn from the Player's Handbook has some underpowered abilities. The Breath Weapon is a notably weak attack, especially as it can only be used once per short or long rest. Compare this to some of the other racial benefits in the Player's Handbook, such as Relentless Endurance and Savage Attacks abilities of the Half-Orc, or the Lucky ability of the Halfling, which remain useful all the way up to level 20. It's common for groups to homebrew the dragonborn rules, in order to beef up their special abilities. Dragonborns have been overhauled in Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, giving a much-needed boost to the race, as well as adding a new variant.

The chromatic and metallic dragonborn can now choose which stats receive the +2 and +1 bonus, rather than being stuck with Strength and Charisma. These are the same as the new race rules from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. The damage dice of the breath weapon is now 1d10, which increases by an additional 1d10 at levels 5, 11, and 17. The biggest change to the breath weapon is that the player can use them a number of times per day equal to their proficiency bonus, and they only recharge during a long rest.

The metallic dragonborn gain an additional type of breath weapon when they hit level five, one of which can incapacitate an opponent on a failed save, and another which can push enemies back and knock them prone. This special type of breath weapon is limited to one per long rest. The chromatic dragonborn don't receive a second breath attack. Instead, they gain the Chromatic Warding ability, which allows them to become immune to the damage type associated with their ancestry for one minute.

Fizban's Treasury of Dragons is adding gem dragons to the dragonborn race Dungeons & Dragons, and they have their own gem dragonborn with associated elemental affinity. The amethyst dragonborn are connected to Force, the crystal dragonborn are connected to Radiant, the emerald dragonborn are connected to Psychic, the sapphire dragonborn are connected to Thunder, and the topaz dragonborn are connected to Necrotic. They have the same Breath Weapon and Draconic Resistance as the other dragonborn, however, the gem dragonborn have the Psionic Mind ability, which allows them to send telepathic messages to those within 30ft. They also gain the Gem Flight ability at level five, which lets them fly for one minute.

Next: D&D: Why Spelljammer Is Likely To Return

Fizban's Treasury of Dragons is available now.

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