Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Alamo Drafthouse Won't Reopen This Weekend | Screen Rant

Contrary to the wishes of Texas Governor Greg Abbott, the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema will not be reopening this weekend. The coronavirus pandemic has effectively shut down Hollywood and, indeed, much of the world. A great many businesses remain closed, including movie theaters. Despite the danger of spreading the virus and prolonging the damage being done across the country and the world, Abbott has lifted the quarantine order on several Texas industries, including cinemas. However, Alamo Drafthouse, one of the most famous movie theater chains in the country (headquartered in Austin, TX), isn't ready to open just yet.

In a statement released to Twitter, Alamo's official social media handle announced that they would not be reopening this weekend, joining AMC and Cinemark, theater chains with no plans to open any earlier than July 17, the expected release date of Christopher Nolan's highly-anticipated blockbuster, Tenet. Their Tweet statement goes on to say that they won't reopen until they can guarantee the safety of their customers, which will require new equipment and training for employees.

Related: Patrick Corcoran Interview: NATO Movie Theaters And COVID-19

Many believe the Governor of Texas and other states that are relaxing their stay-at-home orders are acting prematurely, and that their hasty attempts to return to normal will backfire and instead lead to the quarantine lasting even longer. For the time being, the only thing to do is to stay home unless absolutely necessary, and practice social distancing and safety precautions during essential excursions. For now, theaters are looking at the July 17 release of Tenet as the light at the end of the tunnel, but if the film is pushed back – a very possible scenario – then the quarantine will continue for the foreseeable future.

More: Tenet is the Most Exciting Movie of 2020

Source: Alamo Drafthouse

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