Monday, 29 November 2021

How to Relearn Moves in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

Sometimes, trainers need to tweak a Pokémon’s move set, and Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl’s Move Reminder can help any Pokémon relearn a move that it has forgotten or passed while leveling. The Move Reminder is one of three Move Tutor NPCs found in the Sinnoh region and is the only one that can help Pokémon relearn old moves rather than learn new ones. Relearning moves from him is relatively easy, but players must first find a Heart Scale to give him in return.

While Pokémon can learn plenty of moves using Technical Machines, some moves can only be learned when a Pokémon hatches from an egg or levels up, and trainers may want to make changes to the moves they have learned later in the game. Additionally, players might want to change the move sets of Pokémon that they receive in trades or catch at higher levels. Fortunately, the Move Reminder allows Pokémon to relearn any move that they could have learned at their current level.

Related: How To Find & Catch Giratina in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

The Move Reminder is located in the house just northwest of Pastoria City’s PokéMart. Players will be able to get to Pastoria City after defeating the first three gyms and heading south from Veilstone City. Once there, the Move Reminder can teach a Pokémon a move in exchange for a Heart Scale, but unfortunately, Heart Scales are a rare treasure and can be tricky to find in Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.

There are a total of two Heart Scales that can be found in the Sinnoh overworld. One of them is located in the swamp on Route 212 to the east of the Shard Collector’s house, hidden between two circular puddles just northwest of the Scientist trainer. The other is hidden on Route 214 in a patch of grass missing from a circular section of the fence maze directly to the left of the Psychic trainer. However, trainers have a chance to find a Heart Scale by digging in the Grand Underground, and wild Luvdisc will occasionally be holding one when caught in the wild. Additionally, Wild Luvdisc can be caught by fishing with the Super Rod on Route 224 after unlocking the National PokéDex.

Once they’ve found a Heart Scale, trainers can make their way to the Move Reminder’s house in Pastoria City and have him teach their Pokémon a move. He can teach any move that the Pokémon could have learned by leveling, which makes this incredibly useful for trainers who want to teach a Pokémon a move that has been forgotten. Fortunately, once trainers give him ten Heart Scales, he will start teaching their Pokémon moves for free. However, if the Pokémon can only learn a move by TM or HM, they won’t be able to learn it from the Move Reminder and will have to use the corresponding machine instead.

Next: Pokémon BDSP: Where The Catching Charm Is (& Why You Want It)

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl are available on Nintendo Switch.

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