Monday, 1 November 2021

Fortnite Season 8: Dire Location (& Quests) Guide | Screen Rant

Dire has joined Fortnite season 6 with a new location and quests. As the season progresses, Epic Games continues to add more NPCs to the map. Each of them will provide players with five different challenges that they can complete. The season only began with a handful, but more have been brought in as the weeks go by. One of the newest additions is Dire, a half-humanoid-werewolf character that ties in directly with Fortnites current Halloween event. Completing these challenges is easily the fastest way to level up in Fortnite season 8.

Players will first need to find and speak with Dire to begin the Wolf Pack Questline. Like many of the other NPCs that give quests, each challenge will give players 30K XP upon completion. This will bring the grand total to 150,000 XP for just this character alone. These are all of their challenges.

  • Emote at the Weather Station, Fort Crumpet, or Lockie’s Lighthouse: 30K XP
  • Deal 40 damage to wildlife with a melee weapon: 30K XP
  • Destroy a dumpster at Lazy Lake or Pleasant Park: 30K XP
  • Eliminate five Cube Monsters in the Sideways with a melee weapon: 30K XP
  • Travel 200 meters on foot in Misty Meadows: 30K XP

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To start this questline, players can head over to their quest tab and see every new character quest card in week 5. Slide over to Dire's Punchcard. Selecting 'Pin location to map' will show exactly on the map where players can find Dire. In this case, he is located towards the bottom-right section of the map to the southeast of Misty Meadows.

It is recommended to highlight this Fortnite location from the quest tab rather than just trying to figure it out upon landing. This is mainly because Dire is in a non-named location, making it difficult to find without proper direction. Not only that, but players will need to have at least one space available in their Quests Tabs. Players are only allowed to carry five quests at a time. Clear one out and land in this location, speak with Dire, and begin his first challenge.

The first challenge will require players to emote at either the Weather Station, Fort Crumpet, or Lockie's Lighthouse. After discovering these locations, players can easily complete this challenge right at the start of the match. Complete every Dire quest to unlock as many Fortnite season 8 Battle Stars as possible. In order to unlock the remaining four challenges, the player will need to complete them in order. Fortunately, Fortnite automatically replaces the previous quest with a new one after it is completed.

More: Fortnite: How to Use Return Requests to Refund Cosmetics

Fortnite is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, and Android.

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