Saturday, 25 September 2021

Is Thor's Hammer More Powerful in Marvel, DC, or GI Joe's Universe?

The iconic weapon of Thor is just as famous as the hero himself, and as a result appears in a variety of media. But between its appearances in Marvel, DC, and the G.I. Joe universe, where is it actually the strongest? Because one thing is certain: not all Mjolnirs are created equal.

While most famous as a member of Marvel's Avengers, the myth of Thor (and the fact that it is in the public domain) allows the aforementioned publishers their own version of the god of thunder. There are a few overlapping definable "Thor" characteristics: longer hair, the distinctive helmet and, of course, Mjolnir. But its core abilities of flight, thunder/lightning control, and being strong enough to stop magic artifacts remain the same. With that said, which version of Thor's hammer is the mightiest among them?

Related: Is Thor’s Hammer Mjolnir Actually His Mightiest Weapon?

In the G.I. Joe universe, Mjolnir is bestowed upon Snake Eyes by Thor himself, as a reward for running a gauntlet of foes. Throughout Snakes Eyes' run with Mjolnir (as seen in Snake Eyes: Deadgame by Rob Liefeld, Chad Bowers, Adelso Corona, and Federico Blee), he is able to use both its strength and lightning-based abilities to take out foes. It is a standard, strong version of Mjolnir--except when Kirigun is able to destroy Mjolnir with little trouble.

The DC universe supplies its own version of Thor's hammer, appearing in the hands of Wonder Woman in Wonder Woman #773, by Michael W. Conrad, Becky Cloonan, Travis Moore, Tamra Bonvillain, and Pat Brosseau. DC's iteration of Mjolnir is wielded by its more 'jerk' version of Thor, who has the weapon stolen by Diana when attempting to strike one of the Valkyries. Each of the three hammers can be broken by an outside force of strength, so counting a hammer's breakability against it is not all that sporting. After all, would Wonder Woman have been able to break the weapon if it hadn't been cursed? Similarly, since Snake Eyes was not able to defeat Kirigun with Mjolnir, but did so with his standard abilities, the G.I. Joe universe's version of Mjolnir is the weakest.

The DC version of Thor's hammer may be mighty, but Avenger fans can rest easy knowing Marvel's Mjolnir is by far the most powerful (so strong, in fact, that its creation killed the dinosaurs). Even though it can be broken, its additional abilities make it the mightiest of the three.

More: Yes, Dragon Ball's Goku Could Lift Thor's Hammer, Mjolnir

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