Warning: This article contains spoilers for Loki.
What if the TVA were secretly working to stop Scarlet Witch's kids from existing? The introduction in Loki of new temporal legislation based on the dangerous impact on the timeline of nexus events and beings isn't just important for the God of Mischief's immediate future (or past). Thanks to WandaVision, there was already a link between the MCU's "nexus" terminology and Scarlet Witch, though the full scale of that is so far unclear. What seems inevitable, given Wanda's trajectory in the MCU - towards Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness - and Loki's confirmation of the volatility of the timeline, is that something will reach breaking point soon in Phase 4.
The idea of the nexus appeared in WandaVision thanks to Wanda's strange subconscious commercials, that introduced a brand of antidepressants known as Nexus. After WandaVision's ending, in hindsight that link between mood stabilization and timeline manipulation makes a lot more sense, with Wanda's next appearance already set up as her means to find her lost children. In the comics, of course, Scarlet Witch is a Nexus Being (along with Kang the Conqueror) - one a select group of immeasurably powerful beings with the ability to affect probability and the flow of time. And Loki has now established that Nexus Beings exist in the MCU, immediately suggesting that Wanda will be revealed as one.
This seemingly inevitable development should set Wanda at odds with the Time-Keepers and the TVA as her will would be able to change the Sacred Timeline no matter what the ancient beings decreed. And one compelling theory has already suggested that the TVA will be mobilized against Wanda to stop her from being reunited with her children to stop the creation of a potentially catastrophic nexus event. The theory suggests that a Nexus Being having children would be disastrous as it would create beings with powers to rival the Time-Keepers themselves - as Loki said, the wielders of the greatest power in existence.
It's a particularly compelling theory, thanks to Avengers Forever #8, which established that the Time-Keepers were terrified of Scarlet Witch having children and were invested primarily in pruning timelines that would result in any being gaining enough power to rival them. Given the way the Time-Keepers have already been set up in the MCU as fascist temporal dictators, that much fits very well. And if Scarlet Witch's agenda to bring her children back to the Sacred Timeline, there will be a clash of ideologies that the theory suggests will lead to a Multiversal war that will bring in Doctor Strange as the arbiter of stability.
Though Kang is not confirmed for The Multiverse of Madness, his relationship with time and the possible bond he shares with Scarlet Witch as a Nexus Being sets up the thread that could then run through to Ant-Man 3. And if the Time-Keepers use the TVA to try and stop Wanda from having her children, there is presumably a strong change that Wanda will be more closely aligned with the incoming MCU villain than she is with Loki's defenders of the timeline.
Loki releases new episodes every Wednesday on Disney+.
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