Saturday, 26 June 2021

D&D's Strongest Cleric Domains Both Come From The Same Book

With so many different ways to build a Cleric, its no wonder they're a popular class in Dungeons & Dragons. The Cleric subclasses, known as Domains, offer a wide variety of spells and abilities that allows characters to specialize as support, healers, or even damage dealers. Although there were 7 Domains originally included with the Player's Handbook, Wizards of the Coast has added more over time, including three in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Two of these Domains are some of the most powerful subclasses in the entire game, and having one in the D&D party during a campaign will make life much easier during an adventure.

One of the Domains introduced for Clerics in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything is the Peace Domain. These Clerics specialize as conflict mediators and prioritize compromise over violence, but that doesn't mean they aren't useful during a fight. On top of a great selection of spells, these Clerics also receive the Channel Divinity option Balm of Peace. This allows them to move throughout the battlefield healing injured allies, and can be a major help in a pinch.

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Far and away the best ability for Peace Clerics in D&D 5e is their Emboldening Bond feature. This allows the Cleric to create a bond between a number of creatures equal to that Cleric's proficiency score. These bonded creatures can add a d4 to their attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws as long as they are near another bonded creature. Every Cleric is able to influence their allies' rolls with spells such as Bless, but this additional d4 comes without the cost of maintaining concentration and does not require the use of a spell slot. At 6th level, bonded creatures can also teleport to one another in order to take damage for them, making it helpful for keeping squishy characters safe.

Another Domain added to D&D in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, Twilight Clerics are incredibly versatile. Tasked with defending people from the horrors of the night, Twilight Clerics are proficient with both Heavy Armor and Martial Weapons, making them capable frontline warriors. In addition they have Darkvision up to 300 feet and can share it with their allies, making adventures in the nighttime far less dangerous. The Vigilant Blessing allows a Twilight Cleric to provide advantage of initiative rolls before each encounter, and this can be especially helpful for characters such as Assasin Rogues, who rely on going first in combat.

A Twilight Cleric's strongest feature is their Channel Divinity option, Twilight Sanctuary. This creates a 30-foot sphere centered around the Cleric that they can use to help nearby allies. When a creature ends their turn inside the sphere, the Cleric can grant them either temporary hit points or free them from charms and fear. Considering Twilight Clerics are equipped to stay in the thick of things during combat in Dungeons & Dragons, it is easy for allies to stay nearby and receive these benefits multiple times during an encounter. While the temporary hit points cannot stack, they can be refreshed after an ally takes a big hit.

Clerics are a powerful class in Dungeons & Dragons, and players can find success no mater what Domain they choose. However, both Twilight and Peace Clerics are fantastic additions to a campaign, and their features are guaranteed to help a party during tough encounters.

Next: Why D&D 4e Has A Complicated Reputation

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